Visual Arts
Art is central to the human experience. Whether for communication, beauty or practical use, art translates our intentions, emotions and ideas into visual language anyone can understand. Boston’s children need access to this vehicle now more than ever. As the district embraces the Common Core and National Core Arts Standards, visual arts teachers have been invited to the table to participate in district-wide conversations and initiatives aimed at addressing issues of access and quality. Please join us at professional development and citywide art events, so that we can work together to determine how we engage students through the visual arts, both in our classrooms and across the district. Professional Association: National Art Education Association (NAEA) - Media Arts Our young people are digital natives. Media arts are their language. In BPS, arts education initiatives provide a powerful tool for personal and academic growth for all Boston children. Media arts teachers provide access to these growth opportunities, from a variety of access points and across content areas. As the district embraces the Common Core and National Core Arts Standards, arts and technology educators have been charged with developing citywide learning standards for media arts. All teachers, regardless of content area, are invited to help codify common media arts curriculum and practices, so that arts-based technology becomes a clear a component of the arts in BPS. Professional Association: National Art Education Association (NAEA) - Questions? Want to get involved? Contact Amy Wedge, Visual Arts Content Specialist |