BPS Arts PD Overview
Annual district-wide pd days
Collaborate and create with colleagues at our annual PD days! These events serve as launchpads, guideposts and forums for work across our menu of professional learning. Make plans to join us for the welcome (September), winter in-service (January) and wrap-up (June) events. Also, look for single-session “POPup PD” workshops suggested by BPS Arts Specialists. Here's an example from the January 2020 Annual Arts PD Day held at the Dearborn Stem Academy.
Dr. Constance McKoy
Keynote Speaker |
Keynote Title: “Can Students See Themselves in Your Arts Education Program?”
Have you ever considered whether your arts education program affirms the role that culture plays in students’ creative lives? Can they see their artistic selves reflected in your program or does your program implicitly send messages about what genres of that disciplines are valued and which ones aren’t? How can the development of cultural competence help you make connections with the creative spirit in all your students? This keynote presentation will address these and other important questions surrounding teaching and learning across the arts in a diverse society. Workshop Title: “Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Arts” This workshop will reinforce the main tenets of becoming culturally responsive within an arts classroom. Teachers will be encouraged to analyze the inherent biases within their own disciplines and increase the framework for learning about students through their respective art forms. Teachers will further hone their ability to create supportive learning environments, and analyze the curricular decisions that contribute not only to cultural awareness, but to culturally responsive teaching. |
Multiple professional development opportunities are offered throughout the year for all arts content areas. Please register on TeachPoint and email [email protected] if you encounter questions about the registration process.
PEER Observation
From 2012 to 2019, over 100 BPS Arts Teachers and Teaching Artists observed each others’ classrooms and shared best practices as part of BPS Arts Expansion’s Quality Review program. Since 2016, the experience has evolved into an artist-specific mentoring program for new BPS Arts Teachers. Established and new teachers are paired to provide content-based modeling, feedback and support.
Beginning in fall of 2019, the BPS Visual and Performing Arts Department is partnering with the Harvard Innovation Lab to personalize the online video classroom observation tool called ClassForward.
Beginning in fall of 2019, the BPS Visual and Performing Arts Department is partnering with the Harvard Innovation Lab to personalize the online video classroom observation tool called ClassForward.
To meet the needs of over 300 educators with varied schedules, we are developing webinars and other online learning opportunities on our new platform www.ClassForward.com. Please contact Anthony Beatrice at [email protected] for login credentials.
BPS Arts is committed to your career growth! Arts Specialists are invited to participate in district-wide leadership teams. From Arts curriculum development teams to festival committees, there is something for anyone thinking about district-level systems and engagement. Leadership opportunities are posted periodically via email, and may be eligible for PDPs and other incentives.
We are excited to offer extended learning through PLCs that explore high-demand topics, including culturally relevant curriculum and teaching special needs learners. Working with experts in these areas, PLC groups will spend 6-8 sessions unpacking and applying content in rich and relevant ways. Look for PLC sign-up information in September.
state and national professional organizations
Explore professional development and career advancement opportunities through your state or national arts educators' organization. Click on a logo to learn more.
student teaching
The Boston Public Schools has a rich, vibrant arts community that welcomes pre-service teachers. Our staff will work with you and your potential cooperating teachers to ensure the best possible experience.
summer teaching
Summer Arts Teaching Fellows work with outstanding BPS band, orchestra, musical theatre, and dance educators. In addition to supporting cooperating teachers, Teaching Fellows have the opportunity to lead small groups of students as part of applied instruction, and to design and implement elective classes and arts integration projects. Fellows will be observed by the Program Director and receive feedback to support their developing practice. Ultimately, the goal of Teaching Fellow positions is to prepare pre-service teachers for positions in Boston Public Schools.
special events
Learn more about the arts in Boston Public Schools by volunteering at district-wide arts events. Our showcases and exhibitions provide an inside look at how student work evolves our collective teaching practice.
Culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in the arts book club
Join visiting artists from Boston and beyond to learn more about what's current in the art world outside our classrooms, and learn more about how to being that knowledge back into the classroom for our students. Various art talks available throughout the year.
Rob "Problak" Gibbs: December 15, 2020
Boston Art, Boston Artist: The Mural Project. In a special session for BPS educators, acclaimed muralist, Rob "Problak" Gibbs, introduces the mural he recently created at Madison Park Technical Vocational High school, Breathe Life 2, and the mural map and guide he co-created with illustrator Rob Stull. |