Writing an Original Acrostic Poem Inspired by the Lyrics of L-O-V-E
Connections: Writing/Poetry/ELA
Students will be able to read and perform the song "L-O-V-E" and create their own acrostic poems.
Connections: Writing/Poetry/ELA
Students will be able to read and perform the song "L-O-V-E" and create their own acrostic poems.
Listen to the song "L-O-V-E" with students. Read through the lyrics of the song with students and ask them to turn and talk with a partner, then share their ideas out about how the lyricist/author used the word 'love' to create the poem. Introduce students to acrostic poetry, using additional examples if needed. Introduce and model the assignment to students - Alone or with a partner, students should come up with a word (lower grades) or statement (upper grades) for each of the letters L-O-V-E, keeping in mind the subject of the song should be about things, people, or pets they 'love'. As students finish, have them brainstorm other words that they could use to create another acrostic poem at the bottom of the page. Return to a whole-class setting to revisit the original song and learn it by rote. *Extension: This activity is particularly well-suited to valentine's day or mother's day, and is a great opportunity for a classroom performance/event in collaboration with the homeroom teacher or schoolwide performance, especially if original student work can be displayed and/or shared (L-O-V-E poems or other acrostic poems brainstormed and composed by students). |